Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Remembering 2008 - Moving Forward in 2009

Happy New Years Everyone (from NEW YORK CITY)....

Over this past year...2008...I have had the time to ponder quite a bit.  To ponder things like why me?  Why now?  And for some odd reason I also questioned things such as How could I?  This is so not me?  All of these items participating in what I would have to say was one of the most enlighting years of my life.  Never have I felt so less of myself and so humbled by life experiences than I did over this past year.  If there is a year that I could choose to forget....I hate to say it....but it would have to be 2008.  Mainly because I found myself in such a destroying relationship...and because of this relationship I found myself in scenerio's that I have never found myself in before.  There were many beautiful things about 2008...such as my call-backs for Jersey Boys and Spamalot (thank you Tara Rubin Casting) vacation with my family in brother Ryan's and Sister in Law's Mandy's  visit in mothers visit in October...and the wonderful holidays spent with my New York City family...the Gilmores.   Besides, 2008 was I said...I would rather forget the bad of 2008...and move onto what the potential of 2009 has to offer.

My New Year celebration was spent with my Bestest Friend in the whole wide world....SARAH BYRNE...and let me tell you doesnt matter how long I haven't seen that amazing women....we always have a great time.  We joined the Gilmores(also some of my amazingfriends) up in Harlem (neighbors of mine of course) and shared in the festivities with them.  I love Mormon holidays....their is such an innocence to the way that Mormon's get down and dirty on New Years.   I love every moment of it.

(A year ago...I didnt h ave the pleasure of celebrating my new years....I spent it arguing/frustrated with some *%&%*($(%*(^%&%*  of a person...oddly I don't remember this persons name...or rather I try not to remember their name....Thank GOD a year has passed...and that I was able to celebrate in great company the new year...perhaps there is something to be said about how the luck of your year begins on the the New Years Eve...last year mine did the following year.  This years NEW YEARS EVE rocked....hmm...I can only guess what my new year has to offer...hahaha.  (Knock on wood)).

I love my family...I love my friends....I love my amazing roomies  (I mean that you two seriously make me laugh/cry..and make me happy)...I am grateful for the wonderful people in my life...who reach out in an effort to help and build me up...I hope in some way I am able to return that favor.  Thank you!  

2009....It is our time to SHINE!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Speaking to my MOM - Forgiveness, Mike Davids - Merry Christmas Potluck

I love the holidays....I love my family.  I oddly enough haven't spoken to my family yet today...I have sent text messages like crazy...but haven't spoken to them...that will happen momentarily.  

And yes I have not been speaking for over 5 hours...I actually spoke to my MOM for a hot 30 minutes and then found myself accompaning an old boss of mine...Mike Davids to a Christmas Dinner to go over some things that we needed to resolve.  It was amazing how a business dinner could turn out to be such a delight.  But this one was just that.  

I am grateful to my parents for teaching me an understanding of love and compassion towards others regardless of the state that you find yourself in.  Whether they have done something bad to you or not...there should always be a place of forgiveness for that particular individual...mainly because we dont know the trouble that they found themselves in.  Mike does try...he doesn't always do things perfect...but in the end..he really does try to have a good heart and mind about everything...and that is one of the main reasons that I have stayed friends with him...regardless of what he may have done to me in the past.

I want everyone to know that the Potluck was a wonderful success and I am so thankful to everyone that was a part in it.  It really came down to good friends...great food...and an all around successful event.  Not everyone was able to show up...but that was ok for me.  Thank you on this Christmas day for being a part of my life...I am so grateful for your friendship and kindness. is now so late in the morning..and I am not even sure if this makes any since...however...I am happy...and grateful that the day has turned out so great.
Merry Christmas Everyone....xoxoxo

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

NYC Christmas Potluck Dinner (is ready!) - Dinner with Jose - Merry Christmas from NYC

So I totally haven't even fallen asleep yet...I wonder why...I totally stayed in bed till like 2pm today...oy!  Not cool!  Eh, its the holidays...what can I say?  Right?  

So I just sent out my invites for the potluck dinner on Christmas day...and I am really excited about it (By the way if you haven't gotten an invite...just assume that you are welcome and ask me for details..and I will get them to you...and what you have to bring!) There will be a lot of friends and close personal friends that will be there and some I have never it should be a lot of fun.  I haven't yet got a YES from my roommate if he will be joining us...but I am sure he is well aware that he is more than welcome to join in on the festivities...I mean this is his place...and he is a lot of fun anyway.  (Steve...sorry to hear about the flight....that sucks...but hey...your here in the city...and that is cool for me..hahaha).

I cooked dinner this evening and had the wonderful suprise of my not to distant neighbor - Jose S.  joining me for the meal.  The Chicken was a little dry this time...but other than that the meal and the company...including the movie were quite a delight.  Again...there are friends...and then there are FRIENDS...Thank you Jose for being such a wonderful friend.

I have to get to next two days are filled with lots of work...and so I must get to I can go and work out tomorrow..and be ready for that funfilled excitement.  Yeah...I am working on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas...oh the joys of responsibility.

Everyone...if I dont get back to you...Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.  xoxoxo.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Restless - Santa Claus is Me - Christmas Brunch (dinner?)

Oh is 2:45am in the morning and guess who is up...yes peeps...I have done it again...I find myself going to bed at 11pm, It gets all warm and nice in bed...and wouldn't you know it...I find myself wide awake around 230am.  lol.  This has to be some horrible joke that my body is playing on really must be.  Aarrggghhh.

Perhaps it is also my brain running a thousand miles an hour...with all of the upcoming events and businesses that I am currently attaching myself to...(the problem with a brain that simply will not slow you find yourself up at now 3:00am and trying to continue working on different projects and such.  I guess this could be one of the benefits of being somewhat alone during the holidays is I do have the enjoyment of getting a lot of stuff done....I guess.)  When these companies come through and are plentiful you will hear more about them in the blog...but until that time...I will be keeping them somewhat on the downlow as I need to have a little bit of privacy in the process.  All that one needs to know is that "The Wright Agency" will be a flourishing company in 2009...and gratefully to some amazing friends who have desired to lend a helping hand.  I just need to stay on top of this it doesnt lose steam over the next 6 months...for that will be the time that it makes its largest step forward.  Oh the joys of starting a company during this recession.

So this year I am finding that I will be Santa Claus to myself...yes it is true...Rance Wright is Santa Claus not only to himself...but potentially to some of his friends as well.  (They should be made aware...that if I am Santa...they aint getting much more than a 15 dollar gift for Christmas) 

So this brunch that is happening on Christmas day...will be happening a little bit later than I had originally hoped for...but that is because I will be working the morning of Christmas..yeah you heard right...I am working on Christmas morning.  I am helping some rich folk...enjoy their Christmas morning...oh the life!  lol.

I am heading to bed...Hope your evening of sleep has been more restful than mine.  Nighty Nite.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Tom...the warrior - Christmas Brunch

So it is Monday morning...2:53am...I am sitting here with a dear friend - Tom - we just had an evening of fun and enjoyment...laughing, crying...and well more laughing. I really do not want to be alone during the holiday Tom has offered a listening ear and a body of protection against....what else....the darn mice that seem to infest my life wherever I may be. (Yes, I have a scary ability to catch those darn buggers in the most oddest of places). So, Tom, the brave person that he offering himself as a warrior against these buggers that dare to harm me....arrrggghhh! lol. Tom, like myself, is in the Theater arts and finds that his only fear in life is not winning the Tony by 2014....I seriously thought that was my year but will allow him this glory if he takes care of those darn villians...aka: the mice. ps: Tom is an amazing case anyone was wondering.

Over the past couple of days I have really tried my hardest to reach out to friends...friends that perhaps over the past while may find themselves in not the greatest of places. Let us be honest...we all have been there...and often I find it as a reacurring theme in my life. And regardless of whether I have the funds or not to help someone else it is a part of me to make sure that they are happy. So my plan during this holiday season is to have a Christmas Brunch to celebrate the Christmas holidays...a pot luck of sorts with friends who may be without...or may not even so much as have the ability to cook at their own place. If there is one thing that I can offer to is food...I may not have much more in life...but I can offer that. Yippee for food... (ps: If you have any great Christmas brunch meals...please email them to subject: Christmas brunch.)

So I took a tylenol pm about an hour ago...not really an hour...but it is close enough...and anything that would have been interesting at that time...clearly has exited my brain. Oy...I am tired...and drowssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

So off to sleep what more of the night I have available to me...tomorrow I have a busy day planned...a lot of good. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays so far.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas in NYC - ALONE?!?!?

Merry Christmas in NYC - Alone...I think???

The other day I had the opportunity to talk with my mother....which hasn't happened in a very long time. My mother is one of my dearest friends in the world..and because of me choosing to take a stand on something that my family didn't agree with I now feel such a distance from all of them. I love my family...I love them with all of my heart and that will never change.

As I was speaking to my mother I could hear the hurt in her saddened me...for now a conversation on what seperates us will and must be something that will be discussed in the future. I understand why my family believes the way they do...I love them for is our religious beliefs that I continue to find that centers me and brings me peace.

I have questioned often where my religious understanding I truly religious...or am I simply just walking the path. That is my goal this upcoming search that out for myself..and truly find peace....if it is possible in my life.

So....due to financial difficulties...sadly I am finding myself in a bind...and have decided that I will be staying home during the holidays. It is a difficult time for all of matter where you are in this world. And because it is easier to stay here in the city and work and make money...I am choosing to do so. Will I be spending it alone...who knows....probably not...I most likely wont even realize that I am missing out on the holidays...since I will be working both Christmas eve and Christmas morning - LUCKY ME!

I plan on getting back to this blog before Christmas actually happens...however, if I do not...I just want to wish each everyone a Happy Holidays...and for those who are jewish...Happy Hannuka today.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Saturday night, a night with Jose Simbulan - Carnegie Hall/New York Philharmonic present Bernstein: The Best of All Possible Worlds - Landmarc

It is Saturday night...I am sitting on my a black dress shirt, Hugo Boss Black Biker Boots (yeah...I said it), and Banana Republic dark blue jeans (Yeah I didit calling).  And you know what...I am totally enjoying my evening.  I am relaxed after an wonderful night of music, dinner, conversation with the roomies...and silence...yeah...silence.  All I really hear right now is roommates spoon hitting his bowl of cereal as background noice.  I mean it really could be much worse than that....most times I am listening to the sounds of the Caribean.  So if all I am getting right now is Steve's spoon clicking his bowl...I am ok. 

This evening I was invited by my friend Jose S. to accompany him to Carnegie Hall to enjoy the New York Philharmonic present Bernstein: The Best of All Possible Worlds.  It was great to listen to the music of a legend.  A legend who crossed such a variety of sounds...but kept to his unique style in each one of them.  While at the Boston Conservatory we devoted a complete year to his music and shows...I was lucky enough to be in both of the Staged productions - Candide and Wonderful Town.  The following year we did Andrew Lippa's "Wild Party" and I was so grateful to be a part of that show as well.  Anyway...back to Bernstein - lol - The evening was an amazing success from Susan Graham and Rod Gilfry to Rocardo Morales, Jeremy Denk and Robert truly was magnifique.  

Then following the evening...already in a blissful peace...I accompanied Jose to Landmarc at Columbus Cirlce where we had dinner and conversation....ummmm my chicken sandwich was beyond decicious...the atmosphere was amazing...and well...the music selection rang out the right tunes over and over.  Jose and I were laughing and moving to the sounds and beats of the night you could say.  And that is what brings me can hang with friends...and then you can HANG WITH FRIENDS... love me some Jose! is time for bed..and I have got to get some beauty sleep...I will try and blog tomorrow.  

Night ya all!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MICE!!! This is WAR!

ps: We have mouse/rat poison, traps, name it...we got it.  And quess what....the mouse just ran across in front of my if I didnt exist...WTF?  Really... this is war people...serious war.   I dont want to sleep here alone anymore...Brookie...Stephen....dont leave me alone in my room...You guys...are you out there?  

Christmas in NYC? - Jose - Thanks!!!

So it is 1:33am in the morning...I am sitting here in NYC while the tempature is well below freezing. I feel the coldness oddly enough because the cold is finding its way into my room and on my sheets...and in my bed....brrrr...its freezing people....and I hate the cold.  Luckily my bed has the fabric that warms up during the winter and cooler during the summer.  I sort of lucked out with my bed...I will be honest!  hahaha!  Its pretty amazing!  I am an amazing guy...with an amazing bed...I have amazing roommates....I have a career I love.  What more could I ask for? Christmas in NYC perhaps? option vanished when I suggested it to my mother this afternoon.   She said it would be to difficult for my sister (Rachelle) and her husband to bring all of the kids gifts and I guess I can see that.

Seriously cool would it be to be in NYC on Christmas.  It is totally a time of giving...and enjoyment...You have the city that expresses Christmas to its fullest...and your in one of the most amazing and powerful cities in the world.  Christmas and New Years in NYC is nothing to bark just is that wonderful.  And how much cooler would that be to spend it with my family...whom I love.  I will instead be spending it at home in St. George, Utah where I have spent a majority of my Christmas's growing up.  I love it there...I love my I guess as long as I am with should be amazing.

*But it would be kind of amazing to be in NYC on Christmas*

Anyway, I went for dessert with this amazing friend of mine - Jose.  And we talked about a lot of crazy things...the most important thing to know about all of that we were completely happy to just be sittin and chattin each others face off.  Its those friends who care about you...that come out of the woodwork to help make a difference in your life...and Jose did that for me today.  Thanks Jose.

This weekend was also pretty spectacular...and again I have to thank my friends for reaching out a helping hand.  I do not take for granted the kindness that is continually offered and shared with me.  I am forever grateful for the generosity and love of others...and hope that I am able to return that favor.  Randy, Rory, Steven, Brooke, John and Tom all were such amazing friends this weekend - Thank you.  

A special thanks to Brian D'Arcy James and his wife Jen who were such great sports in offering Rebecca Holt Gilmore and myself tickets to see his show on Broadway.  "Shrek, the Musical", if you haven't taken the time to see Brian...I suggest you all save your pennies...and watch the brilliance that is Brian D'Arcy James.  

I have given a lot of thanks to others today...but I really am in that place right now.  I am in my happiness I desire to give of what I can give right now...that is my heart.  I am at peace...and peace is what I truly want from life.  With so much around us that is unstable...finding peace with ourselves is really something that I treasure.  Thank god for peace...Thank god for friends...Thank god for family...Thank god for life.  

Talk at ya laterz!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Shrek review...finally! - Working with Evan Haile on Music - NYC Love...a joke?

Wow...I am really suprised sometimes who views my blog...I mean I like to think that people really do care what I have to say in life...but sometimes the sad reality is...its just me that observes this blog on a continous basis...or I like to think so. UGH...I really should have a censor on my writing...right?  lol.  

So I had a dear friend this morning (I am keeping names and people anonymous...for the pure fact that I should) who told me that my blog yesterday was a bit aggressive and that I should tame it down in regards to Shrek, The Musical.  And then I was like...hmmm...this person is correct...but as I was observing many of the other blogs and reviews that were already given out about the show...I didn't really see anything that I had previously written (mind you I edited my words from say what it currently says) as harmful to those in the cast or different informatively then anything that was said before my review of the show.  

So I have decided to write my feelings...but I do so with caution...also with the hopes that some of these faults/hopeful corrections can be looked at before the official opening of the show.   Mainly really does have such great potential to be a long running show...which could potentially give me work during its run.   sidenote:  What I referenced in yesterdays really true...the leads of this show..and the cast in general is corrections come with the technical and some of the staging of the show.

1.  The Dragon - I dont understand why the 3 ladies are in front of the dragon while the dragon is doesn't make any since...and we as an audience...lose the dragon as a sort of destroys the purpose of the DRAGON.   Also...if I remember right there was a little more interaction between the Dragon and Shrek in the movie - all I remember seeing was a tail-less Dragon running around the stage...and Shrek, Donkey and the Princess running away..and never really truly confronting the Dragon.  (I am sure this has been a huge issue through the rehearsal proces and I am not assuming that I know the answer to this all...but seriously if it is not cleaned up somehow...that scene will be a major joke at the opening and commented about throughout the reviews here in NYC).  Some things that could help with the tail of the maybe attatching it to the head... and different choreography there...because as an audience..your not sure if the tail is part of the place where the princess is being held..or if it is the Dragon...just a thought.

2. In the story of the musical arent we missing a storyline...the prince and his mother the fairy godmother?  I know it is already a long show...but I was like...hmmm....that part of the show...which in the a major part of the 2nd and 3rd totally left out in the musical!?!?!  Obviously it is now to late to write those characters in...but if I noticed it...I am sure my little nieces and nephews are going to notice it as well.  

That is really all I remember at this moment...and will definetely be the last that I openly write about it...but I want to say again...I laughed my face off at it is obviously an enjoyment to see the show live.  Hopefully a couple of these things are looked at and corrected before the official opening of "Shrek, The Musical" on Broadway happens.

I had the wonderful pleasure today to spend time with Evan Haile's...a dear friend of mine.  I had the pleasure of running through some of my music that I am familiar with and trying to find my voice again.  It was great to work with someone who is so direct with me...and believe me...I need direct...I need someone who is my friend...but not affraid to throw things in my face when it obviously is not working for a song or needs to be corrected.  A lot of things I knew...but that is the beauty of working with someone like he reminds you of your talents...and what you should be doing.  I look forward to getting back with James Javore as well...because while working with Evan I realized how much my Legit voice was not was a little shocking to me.  I can do rock and pop in my sleep...but to sing "If I LOVED YOU" with legato...I was physically commenting during my song...and that just hasn't happened in a long time.  Lessons with James will place me back in my voice....I cannot wait.

Now onto another subject...and please feel free to comment on this...Why in NYC is love so dispossable...seriously...I get frustrated at how replaceable I am (yeah sure...some will say I am irreplaceable...which I love hearing...but its not the truth sadly)  I get asked out...and go out all the time...with friends and potential dates...but I am coming to realize...that perhaps single is the right thing for me in my life right now.  Its amazing how much a relationship throws me off of my game or my center (as a dancer would say)...and how I lose track for a short while of my goal at hand.  Perhaps I should work on my career...stay single...and then when I am more settled in my career...pursue a relationship if life affords me one at that time.  Eh, it just a thought..but oddly enough I think about it a lot.  My last relationship was such a mess for me...and somewhat destroyed a lot of what I believed in love (wow...Madonna's song just came into my head...eeek! Anyway)...single is the way for me. career...and religion...are my relationships for now...and I am ok with that.

Again..I am up way to late in the morning...I need to go to bed....yikes...I have a gig tomorrow at 330pm...I have got to get to bed!  Nite at ya later!

Friday, December 5, 2008

"Shrek, The Musical" - Mike Davids and not getting paid - Looking forward

So I was sitting alone on my butt..doing nothing when my friend Rebecca Holt Gilmore called me and says - under her breath - "I have tickets for Shrek...wanna go with me".   I asked her why she was speaking under her breath...and then in the background I heard little Ruby (her daughter)  and just figured that her children probably wanted to see the show...soooo as not to make a scene...she was speaking so only I could hear her.  

I have my opinions on the show...if you care to know...ask me personally....Brian D'arcy James was without a doubt one of the better parts of the show.  Sutton Foster and He really make the show a success.   And his ability to become quite brilliant.  Congrats

Observing shows like this really makes me want to be a part of the creative teams on Broadway...that bug has always been such a major part of who I am.  One thing at a time....I keep telling thing at a time.  

I am in the process of looking for another job....working for Mike Davids of Special Productions has become somewhat of a joke....He owes me so much money right now....and is just simply ignoring my contact...or requests to be paid.  So I guess this friendship...and crap that I had to go through on his behalf meant nothing obviously...and that the many hours of work for him....was done for the pure pleasure of him gainging money?   I went through joke...working on a project for him in P.A.  and also a show that was suppose to happen in South Dakota - Aberdeen...and wouldnt you know that I still havent been paid for them.  What kind of person do you have to be...especially during the not pay your staff?  Its so inconsiderate...and hurtful.   He creates random companies...goes by different names...creates new emails...runs away from  people...and does this all because he feels that it is ok.    My belief is what goes around...comes around.    I am thinking of sitting with 15 other people...and talent outside his apartment until he comes out and speaks to us.    Yes....we are planning on camping outside his place. is difficult right far as doing the day to day things....mainly because of Mike not paying me.  When that is will be a little easier...and my focus on auditions and shows...will be easier.  

I look forward to a new spending time with my being single - I enjoy hanging around friends...friends who are supportive and caring....I love my Photography Train crew....miss them actually.  

I am having Breakfast with NYLE I better head to bed soon.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Woke up late - Work...oy! - MICE!!! - Sick/Sleeping

Today I found myself sleeping until 2pm....who does that?  I went to bed early...and yet couldnt find myself able to get up earlier than that time.  What?  Who does that?  Obviously I do.  I guess I really needed the sleep...thank heavens I didn't have work today. 

Speaking of work...I have been working for an individual and as of recently have found myself begging him to pay me.  I have worked the hours...and performance weekends...and yet I am struggling to get a hold of him to be paid.  It sort of sucks...because it is the holidays...and well you want to be spending time with family and such...and at the rate of him not responding...WHICH IS NEVER...I am now inching by.  Sometime's I wonder why I don't have a 9-5 job...wouldn't life be so much easier?

So as I am writing this post...a little mouse just tried to run into my room.  I am sorry...I can stand just about anything...but that little bugger scares the crap out of me...I am hyper-ventilating right now.  UGH!  Seriously...if anyone has any advice as to how I can get rid of mice...I have tried everything...and still taking advice.  This is also one of the down sides to NYC - The mice are in the walls...and it is difficult to get rid of...but I am working my hardest to make sure they don't continue to live in the same apartment as I.  ewww.  Just saw it again...what the CRAP!!!

I have been sick over the past couple of days...sleeping lots...but am finally feeling better today.

Wow...just hit that tired feeling...yeah I am up at 3:44am and should already be asleep....but when you wake up at 2pm in the afternoon..I guess your timing gets all messed up.