Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time - Low Energy - Thank You - SLC (Wright Way Master Classes)

I have books...and scripts...and resumes...and videos to go through....I feel as if my time is so bogged down with no time to give my self. Really though...who am I kidding...buah-ha-ha. I have plenty of time to do just about everything I need to do and more...and thank heavens for that....time.

Recently I found myself boggled down with low energy....and anyone who knows me...knows me well...knows that I always run at 200 percent of what I should be running on. Always trying to accomplish the next biggest or best thing...its true...I can sort of be over the top some times...but it works for me. The low energy...I actually have been getting checked for...over the past couple of days I have scheduled appointments with doctors and such to figure out if this is just a seasonal downer or if my body is checking in on something and telling me "HEY, YOU...SOMETHINGS NOT RIGHT IN HERE". As of response...but I gather nothing is wrong...and I have got some sort of "Winter Blues" (sing me a song please!).

New York is cold...the weather actually hasn't figured it out if it should be cold or warm. This of course is not helping with how I personally am feeling - ill wise(lol) - and also a good conversational changer.

I was speaking to a confidant of mine about promises that some people offer you...and as much as I would love to believe that these people will keep their promises...I am beginning to doubt their word. Its sad I have tried to offer the world to a particular individual...but for some reason in return...I am being forgotten. Its ok...but I guess some things are just too good to be true some times. And some friendships are really not close at all but rather at an arms length or further. Ah well.

I do have to say....Thank you!!!... to everyone who reached out and gave their kind thoughts and words on my behalf. I am deeply grateful and wish the best to you in return.

The Booster Shot of 2010 was a HUGE success with the following people helping to make it a great success - Duncan Stewart, Alison Franck, Alaine Alldaffer, Michele Weiss, Merri Sugarman, Eric Woodall, Joel Carlton, Jason Lane and David Kasner - THANK YOU!

This February 15-19th - Wright Way Master Classes will be in Salt Lake City, Utah offering a one week seminar for 15 students. I am so excited to be back in the state I grew up in to teach this class with 4 very dear friends and Broadway Casting Directors teaching the Broadway Auditions Seminar. I love my job...I love seeing the light in students as they get it...I love life what can I say.

Everyone - I must head off to sleep - till next time!