Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th - Working for IBM - Working on companies

Life is so busy these is so busy that I am not even allowing myself a moment to just sit back, relax and figure things.   There are so many exciting new things to talk about...there is also a realization that I am not as cool or trustworthy as I thought I once was.  That latter realization more dissapointing than I would like to admit.  

First things first...on April 1, 2009 I will begin to work for opportunity that I am both overwhelmed and yet extactic about.  I will be a trainer for this amazing company and helping the people of NYC understand a new system to help them move forward during this computer age.  I love to teach and to help...and feel that this is a blessing during this tragic time of our economy.  

I also have been working on Wright Way Master Classes - The Photography Train - The Wright Way Productions, all companies that are moving forward in a more powerful and exciting way.  I cannot wait for things to come to will be a way for talented and influential people to make a difference and see change.   I am finding success by trying to make a difference and seeking to help.

Over the past eight months I have found myself making a couple of mistakes that have hurt those whom are closest to me.  It saddens me that I have made such mistakes...I ask for their forgiveness.  I seek to be better and seek to make a difference and hope to regain my friendship with them.  I love you guys.

I hope that this finds everyone well.  

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