Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Wow...I have so many things going through my head right now...if you could walk around in my head and may get a I have now.

China may be my new residence as of February hasn't been confirmed yet...but the thought of moving to China and teaching pretty exciting.  I love to teach dance...I love expressing myself through dance.  And to teach students something that I already love...excites me.  It is one of my greatest hopes and desires in leave this earth by giving something of myself.  To teach and to impress the importance of understanding our body...and the way that it moves.  

Would taking this job in China be a smart choice right now in my career here in NYC?  Would getting break me of so many patterns that I have gotten myself into..both bad and good?

What are your thoughts...should I take the job? Getting your input would be wonderful.

There will be more on this subject as I get more information myself.


Aleisha said...

I think it would be an amazing experience Rance!!! I can't wait to hear more about it. You would be a wonderful dance teacher.

Marie said...

Where in China? I think that going to and actually living in a foreign country sometime in your life is an absolute must. It not only exposes you to a different culture and people, but it broadens your horizons, teaches you about yourself, and allows you to really grow into the person you are meant to be.


You would be an amazing teacher no matter what you teach. You would also be an amazing influence for good for all that you come into contact with. I hope that things work out and that you take this "chance of a lifetime!"

nyn said...

Wow Rance this is HUGE!! I think there are some real positives to going and staying. I don't envy your decision. I know you would be a wonderful dance teacher. I am sure will you continue to be successful in NYC. Either choice will be good. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Rance I just found your blog! What a treat. I think China sounds like the experience of a lifteime. I enjoyed reading over your past blogs. You are such a beautiful person Rance, I have always thought about you, inside and out.

Janae said...

I would totally go. Rance you would amaze China with your abilities. Keep me updated. I am now a hermit in my own home, and I live off of everyone elses experiences. Although I would not trade my life for anyone elses

Who is G? said...

I pretty much agree with everyone else....GO! NYC will still be here when you get done. Going to China would add such an advantageous aspect to your resume. I know that a few months spent in Romania changed my life and perspective on pretty much everything in such a positive way, I can't really see how this opportunity wouldn't add to your life. They would adore you there! I know it's probably not the easiest of decisions, so good luck, but if the opportunity is still open I say take it!

Georgina said...

I love to travel but more than that I love to live in other countries. Living in another country gives you a whole different experience than just being the tourist. I have the most adorable little niece who was adopted from China. I went with my brothers family to pick her up and it was amazing. It was neat to see how this part of the world is changing. The experiences you will gain will be life changing. I say go for it.