Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In an economy like this...can I afford to be a Play'ya?!?

In this economy...I question how beneficial it is for me to continue playing the game of " THE PLAY'YA" read it in this time can I possibly be playing people and there emotions to benefit my own pleasures.  

Over the past 8 months of my life...I have been very focused on myself and in a way licking wounds that have continued to damp'n my desires and my will as a person.  Licking wounds and desiring to take care of  I am so over taking care of me...because I end up simply just basking in my own problems and my own issues...and believe me there are plenty there.
With a new President of our country - Barack Hussein Obama - I have found myself intrigued with trying to make a better me.  And being a better focusing somewhat less on myself...and more on building those who surround me.  By giving of ourselves....and building others...we build guess that somewhat makes me selfish...and again a Play'ya ...right?!?

When does thinking of what is best for someone else ever cross my mind? Does it ever?  Do I really think about them...or do I focus only on myself and my desires and my wishes.  

To the old me...Walk away(or "To the Left" as Beyonce would say)...To the new me...(The Play'ya...or the Play'ya advanced)..."WHA...WHA"!

ps: My heart and prayers go out to my second family...the Christensens...this song has nothing to do with you...I love you guys...never are you to my left!!!


Kimberly said...

RANCE all I have to say is 3 words.... I LOVE YOU !!!!

Aleisha said...

I have the opposite problem... I always think of everyone but me. That isn't a good thing either. We need to meet in the middle. We need to take care of ourselves AND care for others too. It is so hard though. I bet you think of others more than you think you do. Just think of the holiday dinner you put together?? Was that JUST FOR YOU??? I don't think so. You are the bestest fb friend ever. ha ha ha

nyn said...

Rance, you so rock my world. I love you and I think you are one of the kindest most giving people I know. xoxo

Janae said...

Rance I totally have to agree with everyone else. You are the most caring giving man I know. When we were in high school you always made me feel like I could do anything. Even in that dance class a few years ago, I came home feeling awesome all because of you.

Steven said...

I second what Kimberly said...