I find myself attaching to people...giving my all...only to realize they cannot commit to their own word(I am not innocent with that either in the past).
Also...One thing that really make me laugh (in sarcasm) is when someone I know and love expresses to me what I need to change...and yet in their own life dont have the strength and ability to make change in themselves. If your going to be one who offers advice...than you better be that person that I can look at for change...or forget it. Just Saying.
Does love actually exist in this world? If it does...isnt love an expression focused on someone else and not yourself? Maybe I am so consumed with myself at this moment in my life that love is farfetched for me. Who knows.
I am sorry things seem down. I love you Rance and I know that you love others so much to. It sounds like you are being pretty hard on yourself. I hope things look up soon *kisses and hugs*
good luck with everything, Rance. I know how stressful, exhausting, and all around blech court cases can be.
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