Sunday, November 9, 2008

Post Jersey Boys Audition - Children Shows - Facebook - (NO)Prop 8

It has been a while since I last wrote an entry on my blog...about a week...and though that is much less time then many of my family or is a long time for me. So here is the news in relation to my audition. In prepping for my audition my agent had requested that I prepare with a lot of Jersey swagger...what is Jersey swagger you might ask...well if you have ever seen the Soprano's...that is Jersey swagger. So I prepared with the information I was given. Now, as one who has seen "Jersey Boys" the musical, I knew that the character I was up for was a little more flamboyant then most in the show. So I was a bit confused as to why I was given that information. I was prepared...and well prepared at as I went into the large room at Chelsea Studios on 26th street between 6th and 7th avenue...I felt that I was ready to go. I was dressed in all black, black tie, black dress shoes...I look amazing (I mean really...when do I not - lol.) As I began my song everything went well...the production team was supportive of my choice. Then as I began to share my lines that I was asked to prepare...they asked me where my flamboyant self was. I was confused...because from my agents standpoint...that was the last thing that they wanted to see. So I left the audition room...still confused as to what had happened...and called my agent up immediately...a little mad...and requested that she call the Casting company and explain what had just happened. ( I was told incorrect information to prepare.) Anyway...the amazing Merri Sugarman told my agent that she would like to take some time with me...the next time she see's go over some stuff...because she feels I am talented enough...and there is something very intriquing about me that she would like to see on stage. SO WHO KNOWS WHAT THAT MEANS...BUT I FEEL GOOD ABOUT THE FINAL RESULT. Oh the life of a performer...oy!

Recently I have had the opportunity to Manage and Direct a couple of childrens shows around the country. It has been both enjoyable...and stressful beyond belief. My hopes is to eventually run my own company...mainly because I feel I can do better myself. (lol - I love how I always feel I could do a better job myself...when I clearly have no idea how much *@&% people have to deal with - or do I?).

I am currently a member of facebook - I love how everyone considers you a friend...even people I clearly have never met. lol. I am curious though...I recently had someone who completely did me wrong request to be my friend. How do I react to I just excuse the last six months of frustration with this individual and a connection of lies just pass and let them be my friend...or do I simply just ignore interaction with this person is better than any interaction with I ignored them. Was I wrong to do so?

Just recently I have had people argue with me on my personal belief to support NO on prop 8...which obviously at this point lost in California. My belief is this...if people desire to be married to one of the same sex...who am I to take away their happiness. One thing I learned on my mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was that I am no Judge of Israel...and it is not my place to decide the happiness or unhappiness of others. When people feel that they are supported and loved...that is when change or a difference can be made. It is very similar to that of a child...when a parent or a guardian lowers themself to the eyes of a child...and speaks to them directly...not pushing them..or bullying them...or forcing them to believe or do something that they ask...that is when the child takes their own steps and desires to make change for themselves. Perhaps if the members of the church...could speak to those who deal with same sex attraction in the same demeanor...perhaps more could be understood and done. I love the church in NYC...because all are welcome and do not feel out of place...the members in NYC reach out their arms of understanding...and would never donate so much money to a cause in a completely different part of the country. Its rediculous.

Anyway...had to share some of my thoughts...I hope this finds all of you well.


Marie said...

Sorry about the Jersey Boys audition. But hopefully something really good will come out of it.

You are right to ignore that friend invite on facebook. I feel the same way about things like that. I often wonder...

You should check out my post on the moral vs. political ascpect of Prop 8. Though I would have voted "yes" for the prop had I lived in CA, I do agree with you in some aspects of the issue.

Schimmy said...

Hope the audition thing works out for you. It is crazy who you find on facebook!